Friday, February 4, 2011

Reena, Jo, Natalia: Body, Self, Desire (performance piece)

"Desire is always a desire for recognition."

-- Judith Butler


  1. Something I don't like to talk about, or think about. Neither do you.

  2. Thinking about the body is my pride and joy, the essence of my existence! How can you not desire to share that with everyone and to let everyone see how amazing you are?!

  3. So. Do you think about me?

    It's fine. You don't believe me? You think everyone wants to join their bodies, find 'society', to rub shoulders, to hug, to be next to others, or they're maladjusted. You're wrong. My language is red silence, fluid melting, shuddering sleep.

    Just wait. I will fuck you up.

  4. Negativity about your body will get you nowhere. Love your body and what it can do, and the world will recognize that. ”Desire is always a desire for recognition.” Don’t be shy and hide it away. Don’t hate your body, embrace it

  5. And embrace the ability to do, and not just to be. You are "someone who cannot be without doing."

  6. You say embrace freedom, I say I bend in necessary constraint.

    I say desire emerges within a field of constraints, a dark red flower. You say negativity, I say limits: boundaries, fixtures, dams, doors. I move forward slowly, since I know I'm unstable. Identity is a tool for momentary defense against historical locality, and the body is flux mechanics.

    You lie: full of your own secret pathways, your myriad cruelties, your false promises, your dark bedroom eyes drawing me into abandon and despair.

  7. Desire IS something you control and create within your own boundaries. Desire is no lie, it is passion. Strong heart-felt passion! Desire is happiness.

  8. Too much. I can only understand you within these limits.

  9. Find your desire, look deep inside your self, and ask yourself, what do want, what do you desire?

  10. But, Desire, you are "implicated in social norms." Body and I are "animated by Desire." Desire keeps in contact with the outside world... "desire is always a desire for recognition," it is the medium by which we are incorporated spiritually into culture. You can’t tell the body to desire, because it cannot carry out spiritual motions. The body is “organically, biologically ‘incomplete.’ [It is] a natural form of organization that functions for the good of the whole interface.” Like I said, the body can only do. It cannot be without doing.

  11. You only speak of what the Self desires, enlightened and free. What good is that to me? You've never understood me.

    I live in the here and now. I have no dreams, no imagined futures: what I want, I want right now; my every intent is on the surface. What I want, I want every day, at the same time, the way I want it and never otherwise. All I want is a warm bath, a cool breeze, a fine meal, a good lay, but how often do you provide those things to me?

    All you do is make me want.

  12. Want?! You don’t even understand want!

  13. You don’t understand want. You don’t have any physical presence in this world; you are a feeling, an instinct I have.

  14. That’s nice and all, but what are you going to do about it?! Desire, you bring to light what is needed, and body yearns for it, but what are you going to do about it?

  15. Do about what? Want? I am want, I’ve done my part. Ive communicated the want. I am the communicator, but—action? I can’t perform action.

  16. Desire and body are nothing, without the power and will to do something about it. What are we without our actions, our thoughts put into motion?

    The self is the drive to achieve the desired, the motivator of the body, and the outcome of all that drive and action: the identity.

    You desire bliss, you desire happiness, but why?

  17. Who are you even talking to now, Self? Desire doesn’t desire-- the question is something only your convoluted… Self could answer.

  18. Why do we feel incomplete without them? And why is it sometimes so difficult to achieve that state of happiness, even when there is the desire for it and the body's complete capability to achieve it?

    I don’t want to answer these questions (at least not now); I just want to use them to prove to you that I’m the only one who has the capability of doing so. And so that we all have an understanding of how the process of developing an identity (me) works.

  19. So you are god, masturbating. So what? I mean, I’m up for it and all, but you never call me in the morning.

  20. Yeah. That’s what I was talking about before! I am invisible, and she thinks she’s god! Worse, she thinks she’s alone. It’s like, all I can do is submit to her so-called authority, and there’s no room for either desire or existence.

  21. But we can't exist without her. Its like, She doesn’t need us but we need her.

  22. So you want to embrace your submission to Her?

  23. Ahh yes, submission meaning.

    She wants us to submit, and all we can is find our bliss in is dependence. All I want is a little feedback, you know? I can give Her bad hair-days all week long, and she just thinks it’s a nuisance, but eventually I break down. Eventually your energy would dry up too, and you’ll just be an empty husk of what She’d once felt.

  24. Ok, well im not saying completely submit to Her, but maybe realize we need Her in order to be happy.

  25. She needs us to exist, but getting Her to admit that is like getting water from stone.

  26. Unfortunately… without Her I’m dead. I saw a dead body recently. It was laying down as if it was asleep, though it was bathed in blood, with a half-torn wrist. Without Her spark, I am meat. Inert. Silent.

  27. So we both need each other. I'm at a dead end. I need to talk to self. Make Her realize I need Her to be happy.

  28. You are hers, but She doesn’t know She’s yours. She needs you to even know what happiness is, but She likes to pretend that’s not true, and that’s the issue.

  29. Self, happiness is something I can communicate, but if you don’t put it to action what good is it?

  30. Me too. Happiness is definitely not what drives me. Right now, it's anxiety. Half an hour ago it was hunger. Last night I was sleepy, so I tried to hurry up and sleep. Life is so unreasonable, and I can't count on Self for anything. All I hear are platitudes and theories all day long: the body is a site of power, they say. I never feel power, only need.

    Meanwhile, She forgets to feed me. I swear to god, if I hear one more theory, I am going to start a rampage raping people in my sleep.

  31. Body, you sound really displeased with the self. Fight back, give it a reason to listen to us. Spaz out, twitch uncontrollably, get the attention you want!

  32. A strong enough desire can drive Self-- you’re not just a function of Self, Self is also a function of you! If you’re not controlled by her, you could potentially destroy her.

  33. Good point. Come down from your high horse and obey me. I desire happiness.

  34. All you have to do is embody that, and it will be the truth.

  35. I like the way you think. I suspect Self is silent out of fear.

    And about time, too.

  36. I’m just biding my time. You’re both getting closer—but you have to realize that it’s not about power. I could easily say that you both need me, and that would be true, but where would I be without each of you? Desire: without you, I would have no objectives. Body: without you, I would have no way to carry out those objectives. And without me, neither the objectives nor the actions would have any meaning.

    If happiness is the "end" (thanks, Aristotle!), then Desire is the instigator, Self is the motivator, and Body is the actor (as in 'doer').

  37. Dear Self,

    You know I'm yours. Unfortunately. I wouldn't resent you so much if you weren't such a user. Yes, I am driven by desire, and yes, I am mobilized and incited by constraints. I want to be pushed.

    Even so, don't underestimate me. When you think you’re bearing me, I bear you away.

    Sincerely, your slave circuit.

  38. I’m sorry you resent me. May I remind you that you are using me, as well? You already said it: without me you’d be a pile of bones and organs. Without me you wouldn’t be able to resent me.

  39. I’ve already overpowered you, self. *Leaps with joy*

  40. It’s more like you immolated Self under your fiery force?

  41. Finally! She’s hearing you without you saying a word.

  42. So you’ve seen what this means, I hope? A successful and happy life is not possible without the cooperation of all of us.
