Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Butler Response


Head shoulders knees and toes
Knees and toes,
And toes

They develop argument, in order to speak.
"I tried to say...
and paused from its deadly brink."

Desire for transformation itself
In fear, the roots grip downward
the boundaries of our distances
We seem caught in reality together
(so how should I save you?)

Eyes and ears, mouth and nose
Head shoulders
knees and toes.

I apply lines to create shadows,
but you are plain abyss.
blanketed by concerns of not fitting
creaking towards infinity.

Displace these.
Put them in my pocket
And then
And let em loose!

A livable life does eviscerate various levels of stability
Knees and toes sojourn at the orphanage.

To remove an essential part of something
and displace these. And, desiring for the whole of it to be for me having a toe be
your toe. Can it be our toe?
Because I have it. You be it.
And so I weaken it
the unlivable ambivalence is too hard.

So I push back the toe to the ideal
where it is smooshed into a sock
Transferring desire to an ideal of the imaginary.
Contained in my dreams
situationally symbolic
uncanny in it's return.

Some things were said,
never desiring equilibrium
the smell of bodies and procedures
Glassed in dreams.

(Ian,  Michael, & Monica)

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